Delicious is De-li-cious!
I literally spent probably two hours playing with my Delicious account. I LOVE the way I can tag different sites for easy retrieval later on. It was so easy to tag each site, find other sites within each tag, even adding my own bookmarks from my browser. Thankfully I didn't have too many bookmarks saved already because my netbook is fairly new because I will now ALWAYS use my Delicious account. I can't wait to get back to work so that I can add all of my bookmarks from my work computer and tag them. I think the best part of this will be the ease that my teammates and I will have with sharing websites with each other! I liked how the tags were shown in a cloud form to show the tags that were most abundant. It reminded me of the Wordle clouds that I can't wait to implement when we get back to school. In fact, I even found a great slide show by Tom Barrett of suggestions for uses of Wordle. I usually create a list of approved websites for my students, so how great this will be to be able to post it to my blog with my Delicious URL just for those tagged sites or for sites for research projects, writing resources, math tutorials, the list goes on...
*I checked the wiki to see if the site I had tagged with misd23things would show up, but it never did. I'm not sure why. I'll try again in a bit.
What You Need to Know About Meta Glasses
20 hours ago
You have mentioned a great way to use Delicious by creating an "approved websites" for your students. This will help the issue of "googling" for random sites.